1. Define the Currency for the Hourly Rates
3. Show Budget Information for Users
4. Include not billable Hours in the Budget
6. Define Hourly Rates for Employees
1. Define the Currency for the Hourly Rates
Go to Administration/Settings/Project Time and to "Budget" to insert your currency like US-Dollar, CAD,...
2. Budget Warning-E-Mails
In Administration/Settings/Project Time > Budget you can enable or disable warning mails on reaching certain budget limits.
Warning emails will be sent to the employee and the project manager/administrator as soon as an employee exceeds 80%, 100%, 120% of his budget on a task. In addition, the project leader will also receive warning emails if 80%, 100%, 120% of the total task budget are exceeded.
Please note: If you are using the Enterprise plan or the ‘Extended Permissions’ module, the emails are sent to the project leaders, not to the administrators of the account.
If the administrators should also receive the emails, you must give them the ‘Overall Project Leader’ authorisation (see point 2: Project Leader Permissions).
3. Show Budget Information for Users
Marker 2: Activate or deactivate whether the budget information should be displayed for users if "Show all tasks" is activated (Marker 1).
Marker 1: If "Show all tasks" and additionally "Show budget information for users" is activated, users will see the project budget when booking project times. In addition, all project budgets are displayed under the now visible menu item "Reports/Budget Dashboard".
4. Include not billable Hours in the Budget
You can choose between three setting options:
- Do NOT include not billable hours against the budget (default)
- Include not billable hours against the budget
- Individually adjustable per task
4.1 Do NOT include not billable hours against the budget (default)
The default setting includes only billable hours in the consumed budget. In the "Administration/Settings" in the "Project time" tab, the selection for the item "Include not billable hours into budget" is set to "No".
4.2 Include not-billable hours against the budget
To include also not billable hours for all projects, open the "Project time" tab in the "Administration/Settings". In the "Budget" block, select "Include not billable hours into budget: Yes".
In the "Reports/Budget Dashboard" view, this setting will now include the not billable hours.
4.3 Individually adjustable per task
If you want to define for which projects the not billable hours should be included, change the setting to "Include not billable hours into budget: Individual per task" and save this setting.
Now switch to the "Tasks", select "Edit task" at the project for which you want to make this setting. In the "Users and budget" tab, activate the "Include not billable hours into budget" item and save the setting.
5. Export Hourly Rates
Specify whether the external and/or the internal hourly rate should appear when exporting the Excel file.
6. Define Hourly Rates for Employees
You can assign an "External" and "Internal" hourly rate for an employee in the user properties under Administration/Users.
Under "Hourly Rate External" you can define the rate with that the employee is charged to customers. The "Hourly Rate Internal" are the hourly costs of the employee.
Please note: We do not recommend to set the internal hourly rate right for each single employee but by a category of employees. E.g. all foreman have internal hourly rate of X, all sales people have internal hourly rate of Y etc. Otherwise it might be possible to see the exact salary of an employee by admins or project managers.
Click 'Save' to save your changes.
Updating existing recordings:
If you've already chosen the planning type "Users Hourly Rate" for one or more tasks and there are already recordings for these tasks, you will be asked if you want to update the already tracked hours with hourly rate.
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