Video Tutorials
- Data Processing Addendum (DPA)
- timr at a glance
- Your timr URL (identifier)
- Connect Mobile Device/App via QR Code with Web Application
- Create a free Trial Account
- Upgrade Trial Account to a Paid or Free plan
Working time tracking with hours and vacation balance
- Setting Up Working Time Tracking
- Working Time Tracking
- Immediate time tracking (Video tutorial)
- Edit working time
- Add working time manually & Duplicate working time
- Enter working time records for your employees
Project time tracking
- Location-based task suggestions and Geofence
- Add and manage Customers, Projects, Tasks
- Project Time Tracking
- Immediate project time tracking (Video tutorial)
- Edit project time
- Add project time manually & Duplicate project time
Tracking your mileage with timr
- Status Flags - Drive Log (incl. Invoicing Drive Log Records)
- Add and organize Cars
- Mileage Tracking in the Web Application
- Drive Log Reports
- Edit drive log entries
- Add drive log entries manually & Duplicate drive log entries
Absence requests
- Setting up working time types for requests
- Request leave in the timr web application (vacation etc.)
- Request leave in the timr app on your smartphone or via terminal
- Approve or reject absence request (vacation etc.)
- Enter or cancel leave for your employees (as admin/leader)
- Absence Calendar (Vacation, Sick Leave, etc.)
Working with timr
- Combined Recording Working Time & Project Time - Beta
- Timeline - Combined Working Time and Project Time (Beta)
- Presence Board
- Import for tasks and project times
- How to configure your account
- Add, edit and organize Users
timr iPhone App
- Timeline - iOS App (Beta)
- Create your Account (iPhone App)
- Connecting the iPhone App and the Web App
- Features iPhone App
- Work Time Tracking with the iPhone App
- Project Time Tracking with the iPhone App
timr Android App
- timr Recording Widgets for Android
- Timeline - Android App (Beta)
- Important information for Android App users with Android versions 6 & 7
- Create your Account (Android App)
- Connecting the Android App and the Web App
- Features Android timr App
Time Tracking Terminal App
- Overview timr Terminal App
- Recommended hardware
- Terminal app setup
- Terminal app settings
- Registration at the terminal
- Creating QR codes for terminal login
Custom Fields
Advanced Permissions (Enterprise Plan)
Budgets and Hourly Rates (Plus Plan)
Overtime and Allowances (Beta)
Getting started
Integrations (Beta)
timr Android Team Tracking App
- Create your Account (Android Team Tracking App)
- Connecting the Web App and the Android Team Tracking App
- Team Tracking
- Time Tracking with the Android Team Tracking App
- Mileage Tracking (Drive Log) with the Android Team Tracking App
- Notifications (Android Team Tracking App)