If you start a timr recording on your smartphone, a notification is shown for the running recording. Even if the app isn't opened and you're working on your smartphone, you get the notification that there is a running recording.
The intention of the notification is to don't forget to stop a running recording. timr already offers the 'Your timr is still running...' reminder emails. Additionally you get now the notifications on your smartphone. An example, you're at home in the evening and you forgot to stop your running recordings, the notification reminds you now that you still have to stop your recordings.
1. Notification Types
1.1. Project Time
You see here an example for the icon project time. As soon as a project time recording is running you see the project time icon no matter which other recordings are running.
1.2. Working Time
If working time is running or the working time and the drive log are recording, you see this icon:
1.3. Drive Log
If only the drive log is started, you see this icon:
If you pull down the notification bar you always see in the notification center which recording is currently running.
Press on the notification in the notification center and the timr status screen opens automatically.
If only the drive log is started, you only see the drive log in the notification.
2. Enable/Disable notifications
The notifications are enabled per default on your smartphone. If you don't want to get notifications, you can disable them in the timr settings on your smartphone.
Go to settings and press on 'Advanced Options'.
Disable the checkbox in the field 'Notifications' and you won't get them anymore.
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