You can set up the terminal in the timr web application under “Administration/Terminals”.
1. Install Terminal App on Android Tablet
Download the terminal app from the Playstore and install it on the Android tablet intended as terminal.
2. Configure terminal
To create a terminal go to "Administration/Terminals" in the timr web application and click on "+ Connect a Terminal" in the upper right corner.
Marker 1: As part of the configuration, you specify a device name.
Marker 2: You can define whether user authentication at the terminal is also possible with QR code.
Marker 3: You can also define after what period of time a user is automatically logged out of the terminal.
Marker 4: In addition, position tracking is available as an option for the terminal. If you activate this option, the location of the terminal will be recorded when starting and stopping a time booking. This option is primarily intended for use of the terminal at temporary locations - such as a construction site.
Marker 5: You can activate whether the geofence settings of the tasks should be taken into account.
For example, if the terminal is not stationary but is taken to the construction site, you can use this to ensure that certain tasks are actually booked on site. Another use case would be if you have a large site with several halls, you can use the geofence to specify which task should be booked at which location.
Tip: The corresponding tasks can be found more quickly via “Show tasks in the vicinity” in the task selection.
Marker 6: To minimize booking errors, you can set a standard working time type for each terminal, which is preselected by default when booking.
For example, if there is an office building and a workshop and the working times per location are to be differentiated, you can create two different working time types and assign each of these to a terminal as the default.
Marker 7: A standard task can also be preset.
Marker 8: Configure the task selection here. You can either use the app settings or configure your own task selection. You can find more information on this here: Configure Task Selection for Apps
Click on "Next" to complete the configuration.
timr will now generate a QR code that you can use to connect the terminal to the timr account.
3. Connect terminal with timr account
To connect your terminal to the timr account, open the terminal app on your Android tablet and go to "Connect".
Now select "Scan QR code".
Then hold your tablet's camera over the QR code displayed in the timr web app to connect the terminal.
The terminal app will then automatically connect to your timr account.
In the timr web application, you will see "Terminal connected" after the app has connected successfully. To complete the process, click "Finish".
Then click on "Finish" in the terminal app as well.
You will then automatically be taken to the status screen of the terminal app.
4. Further info on setting up the terminal
4.1. User administration
All users created in your timr account automatically appear in the terminal app and can log in there to record times.
4.2. Manage Terminal App and change settings
You can manage the configuration of the terminal app via the timr web application of your timr account. To change settings, go to the menu "Administration/Terminals" and click on "Edit Terminal" for the relevant terminal.
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