timr basically consists of two elements, the web application and the app on the smartphone. We recommend to use the web application in the office and the app on the phone during business trips or field services.
The web application and the mobile clients are always in sync automatically.
The apps also offer limited administration features, such as adding new tasks. For extensive analysis, as well as full administration (adding users, customizing the project structure), we recommend using the timr web application. It is more comfortable to do analysis and administrative tasks with the timr web application. The apps are perfect to easily track your time on the go.
The timr mobile apps as well as the web application offer three main features which support your company in tracking your time: "working time", "project time" and "mileage tracking".
The timr mobile apps as well as the web application offer three main features which support your company in tracking your time: "working time", "project time" and "mileage tracking".

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