You have a lot of possibilities to edit an exisiting project time entry. Attention: each change is saved!
You can edit project times either in the Recording Menu or in the Reports Menu.
1. Editing Project Time in the Recording Menu
2. Editing Project Time in Reports/Project Time
In the Recording menu all project time entries up to the current date are displayed. The latest time entries are listed on the first page. Therefore, you can easily edit project time entries of late in the Recording menu.
For time entries which are further in the past we recommend using the Reports menu. There you can filter your entries.
As an administrator you edit time entries of your employees in the Reports menu.
1. Editing Project Time in the Recording Menu
Right click on the entry you want to edit and choose the desired option.
You can "Resume", "Edit", "Delete" or choose "Show/Hide History". Furthermore you can set a status: "Set status to Locked", "Set status to Cleared", "Set status to Closed".
If you click on "Edit " the "Edit Project Time" dialogue opens. You can change the task, the note, the start time, the end time, the break, the duration, billable and save all changes by clicking "Save".
2. Editing Project Time in Reports/Project Time
In Reports/Project Time you can filter your time entries, for example, according to time period and task . As an Administrator you can also choose a user.
In order to edit a time entry click on the edit symbol next to the entry and choose "Edit".
You have now different possibilities to edit an existing time entry. Attention: Each change is saved!
If you choose “Edit” a new dialogue will appear. Now you can edit the task, accompanying notes, the Start and End Time as well as Break Time and the billable flag.
3. Bulk operations
In Reports/Project time it's possible to edit various entries at once via bulk operations. You can select multiple entries and change their status or delete them. Simply mark the records you want to edit with a tick. If you then click "Selected records" you can select the desired option.
In case you have tracked your project time for the wrong task you can change the task for a bulk of time entries at once.
Search for the right task. By clicking on it the change will be carried out.
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