2. Task Structure: Add Tasks for a Customer/Project
3. Quick Access to Task Details
4. Assigning a Task to employees and organizations
timr provides a completely generic project and task structure. You can adapt the structure fully to your company's needs. All tasks can be edited, changed and deleted by an administrator (defined when creating a user). You can adapt your task structure at any time. Note that in timr a task can be a customer, client, project, a job, you name it.
1. Add Tasks
Now you can name your task and set up the task's properties.
There are different task properties you can set up as needed:
Basic properties available in the Regular Plan:
- Name:
In the task properties you can name your task / project, ...
- Recordable:
With the setting "Recordable" you can specify whether to enable employees to track time on this task or not. If you i.e. create a customer, you could define it as "not recordable", so that employees have to track time on sub-tasks which you then mark as "Recordable". If you want employees to track time directly to the customer and only track certain activities on sub-tasks you can mark the customer as "Recordable".
- Billable:
Use "Billable" to specify whether time records for this task are "Billable" by default or not. For example, a warranty case would not be billable by default, but maintenance would be.
- Mandatory notes for project times
With “Mandatory notes for project times” you can define that saving a project time is only possible if a note was entered. This way you can make sure that relevant info will added and will be available for reports.
- Availability:
Start/End: For a task, a time period can be defined in which time can be recorded for this task. The period is defined by "Start" and "End". The task is only available for selection during Start and End. Furthermore, no booking of a project time with date < start or > end is possible.
- Restrictions:
Locked until: To ensure that times booked on a project cannot be changed (i.e. after billing the customer) you can lock a task until a certain deadline. You can find more info about this here.
- Internal comments:
Here you can add notes to the task which will be shown to employees while tracking time on this task.
Web view:
Mobile view:
Additional properties available in the Plus Plan:
- External comments: Here you can add additional information to the task (e.g. information with regard to invoicing your customer) which are visible in the project status report only.
- Planning type (Budget features):
In the Plus Plan you can define a budget for each task. You will find further details on this feature in our help center articles about budgets and hourly rates.
2. Task Structure: Add Tasks for a Customer/Project
To create a customer/project with associated tasks, first go to "Add task" and create the customer/project.
Then move the mouse over the customer/project you have just created, click on the editing icon and select "Add subtask".
You are completely free in creating your task structure. There is no limit regarding the number of levels.
The granularity you’d like to structure your tasks is on your choice. A very fine granularity means that you often have to switch tasks in the project time tracking but you get very precise reports.
3. Quick Access to Task Details
You can quickly access the task details both from the project time recording (image 1) and from the report view (image 2). To do this, click on the three blue lines next to the entry and click "Show Task Details".
In the Task Details, you can now see all task information such as availability, notes, project management (Extended Permissions), address and geofence, budget (Plus Plan) or your custom fields (Enterprise Plan).
4. Assigning a Task to employees and organizations
Each task can be assigned to employees and to organizations (Enterprise Plan). To do that, open the "Tasks" menu item and select the project and "Edit task". In the "Users" or "Users and budget" tab select the "Assign user" or "Assign users and organizations" button.
In the next step, select whether you want to assign users or organizations (Enterprise Plan).
Note: If employees should only be allowed to see the projects assigned to them, deactivate the "Show all tasks" selection in the "Administration/Settings/Project time". Only if the selection is enabled, the note "All users can currently record for all tasks" is visible. See the Advanced Configuration Project Time article for more information on this.
4.1. Assign employees to a task
To assign a new task to your users, click on "Assign user".
To assign a user click on the "+" symbol.
In the task details you have the overview of the assigned users. You can remove a user from this task by selecting the "-" icon and clicking "Finish assignment" to save.
Inherited Task Assignments
If you add a subtask for an already existing customer, all users already assigned to the customer are automatically assigned to the new task. Inherited users are displayed in grey.
4.2 Assigning organizations/teams/departments to a task (Enterprise Plan)
To assign tasks to organizations/teams or departments, first select "Assign users and organizations", then "Organizations". Use the plus button to select the organization. Click on "Finish assignment" to save the selection.
5. Copy Tasks
Already existing tasks can be copied and duplicated. You can copy single tasks, more tasks of one client for example or a whole client including all subprojects and subtasks.
An example: We want to copy an existing project from our customer, because we have received a new order from the client.
To copy a task, click on the edit symbol next to the desired task. The task menu opens and you choose "Copy Tasks".
Move to the desired position in your task structure and click again on the small wheel on right side of the task. Choose "Paste Tasks".
You'll be asked now which name you want to give to the copied task. Choose a name and click "OK".
6. Filter for tasks
You can filter for tasks in your task structure. Insert the name of the task and timr immediately suggests you all tasks in your structure that are named like this.
Marker 1: Enter the name of the task you're looking for. timr will immediately suggest all tasks in your structure that have this name.
Marker 2: Here you can filter for certain users and immediately recognise which tasks are directly assigned to them.
Marker 3: If you activate "Show tasks assigned via organization", not only the directly assigned tasks are displayed, but also the tasks indirectly assigned via the associated organization.
Marker 4: Filter the tasks that are assigned to specific organisations.
Marker 5: Filter the tasks that are assigned to a specific project manager.
7. Show/Hide inactive tasks
You can decide if you want to see the inactive tasks in your task structure. Just enable or disable the small box right next to "Show inactive tasks:".
8. Move and merge tasks
You can experiment with your project structure since timr lets you always change and optimize your structure!
8.1. Move Tasks to first level
If you want to move an already existing task to the first level just click and hold the mouse button. Move the task to the top of your task structure and let go. The task will be now be moved to the top level.
8.2. Merge Tasks
Let’s say you recognize that creating two different support tasks for your customer was to euphoric and you’d like to rearrange them into just one task. For example, you want to merge Calculation and Planning. In the administration page, simply drag ‘Calculation’ onto the ‘Planning’ task.
Now select 'Merge with target task'. All recordings for ‘Calculation’ will be added to ‘Planning’.
8.3. Rearrange sub-tasks
In order to rearrange sub-tasks, click on the task you want to rearrange and move it to the target project.
Let go and choose "Move as a subtask".
9. Disable tasks
You can disable the tasks in your structure if for example you don't want to track times anymore for them. If a task is inactive you can still create reports and analysis for this task.
To disable a task just press on the small wheel on the right side next to the task and choose "Disable Task".
An "End"-Date will be inserted automatically in the task properties.
10. Enable tasks again
If for example a customer extends the order, you can enable the task again. Just filter for inactive tasks. Then right click on the task concerned, choose "Edit task" and delete the "End" date in the task properties. Last, click "Save".
11. Delete Tasks
You can delete a task. The task will be deleted irrevocable and can't be restored. To delete a task just press on the small wheel on the right side next to the task and choose "Delete Task".
Next steps
This documentation shows you now how to track time for your tasks, projects and customers.
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