1. Mileage tracking in real-time
2. Add drive log records at a later time
3. Create and select own locations
1. Mileage tracking in real-time
1.1. Start the Drive Log
In order to start your drive log press "Start Drive Log" on the recording screen.
Marker 1: Here you can choose a car.
Marker 2: The start mileage will be automatically suggested by timr or you can edit it manually.
Marker 3: You can choose a category for your trip (i.e. business or private). How to add or edit categories you will find here.
Marker 4: If you're authorized you can edit the Start Date and the Start Time. timr automatically suggests the current time but you can adjust the Start Date and Time.
Marker 5: Enter the start address here. Your current position will be suggested automatically if position tracking is activated. If this address is not correct, you can edit the suggestion or simply delete it.
Marker 6: You can add a task. If your are already tracking a project time, you can choose the suggested purpose for your trip. This way you can later filter in your reports for this task.
Marker 7: Press "Start" to start the the drive log.
Note: If you are tracking project time you can also add the project's name as purpose for your trip.
1.2 Edit a running drive log
To edit a running drive log, click in the area where the trip is recorded.
The detail view opens to edit the trip.
1.2.1. Information about the trip
Marker 2: The car with which you started the recording cannot be changed. All other details of the drive log entry can be changed.
Marker 3, 4: You can change the mileage for the start and end of the recording.
Marker 5: Set the category.
Marker 6, 7: If you are authorized, you can change the start and end date, as well as the start and end time.
Marker 1: You can delete the trip via the trash icon.
1.2.2 Edit route and destination
Marker 7: You can edit the route here before stopping.
Marker 8, 9: Just as a current position (8) was suggested when you started recording, a destination address (9) is also suggested based on your position. You can select the suggested address by pressing "Stop" and stop the recording.
Marker 11: You can also edit the entry manually or select another position via "Add destination". How to add the address of a destination to the Route field can be found under point 3.
Marker 10: Under "Visited" you can record who you have visited. As an example: which company and employee you visited.
1.2.3. Edit purpose and stop
Marker 12: You can add a purpose, such as: customer visit.
Marker 13: If you are currently tracking a project time, this task will be suggested as a purpose. This will allow you to filter by the name of this task in the reports afterwards.
Marker 14: You can stop the recorded trip, this will save the entry.
1.3 Record intermediate stop
To record a stopover in the trip, first open the current trip.
In the detail view, select "Add Stopover".
A selection window will open displaying nearby locations based on your current location. If you select a location, it will automatically be added to the "Visited" field. You can also create your own location here (see point 3).
1.4. Stop Drive Log
This is an example for a running mileage recording. You can pause, stop or delete this recording by pressing on it.
As in point 1.2 Edit a running drive log, you have the option here to edit the data. By stopping the recorded trip, the entry is saved.
If you have specified that the purpose of the trip must be recorded, you will receive an error message when you stop the recording if you have not yet specified a purpose.
2. Add drive log records at a later time
If you have the permission to do this, you can add records later on in the timr App. You can do this via the + symbol on the recording screen.
Enter the details of the trip to be added here as described in section 1.2 Edit a running drive log.
3. Create and select your own locations
Via "Add Stopover" or "Add Destination", you can create your own locations or select a location from a list.
3.1 Selecting an existing location
In the "Places" dialog box, you will see a list of nearby places based on your position (2). By clicking on a location, it will be taken over as stopover or destination. If you already added your own locations, you will find them unter "My Places" (4). How to create new places see 3.2.
3.2 Create new location
In the "Places" dialog box, a place is suggested based on the current address (1). You can accept this location by clicking on "Add stopover" or "Add destination".
To create your own location, select the Edit icon (3). In the following dialog window you can enter the desired address and finish with "Done". You can accept the address by selecting "Add stopover" or "Add destination".
In the future, you will find the manually created location under "My Places". You can use the pencil icon to edit the entry or delete it again in the editing dialog.
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