1. Settings for position tracking in the timr account
2. Position tracking on the smartphone
2.1. Enabling position tracking on the smartphone
2.2. timr app behaviour if a position is required
For time tracking with the timr app on your smartphone position tracking is available. If activated, the position for the start and end time is tracked.
1. Settings for position tracking in the timr account
1.1. Position tracking
In the settings of your timr account you can define general rules for position tracking. In order to do this enter the "Administration" menu and the tab "Settings". There you can setup position tracking for each of the timr functions individually - working time tracking, project time tracking and mileage tracking.
There are various options available:
1. Default (Off)
Per default position tracking in timr is disabled.
2. Off
If you don't want position tracking for any of your employees, choose the option "Off".
Note: The default setting for your account also is "Off".
3. If available
If you don't necessarily need position tracking but would like to have a position when available, choose "If available".
In this case your employees can start time tracking on their smartphone any time, even if no position is available.
This setting especially makes sense if you have employees who work in the office and on the go.
4. Required without Specific Precision
If you need a position for each time tracked on the smartphone but precision doesn't matter, choose "Required without Specific Precision".
In this case your employees can only start tracking on their smartphone if a position is available. However, it doesn't matter how precise this position is.
5. Required with Precision of
If you need a precise position for each time tracked on the smartphone, you can choose between 3 levels of precision:
- Required with Precision of 1000 meters
- Required with Precision of 250 meters
- Required with Precision of 100 meters
Choosing one of these options your employees only can start tracking on their smartphone if a position with the chosen precision is available.
NOTE: The whole range of options only works for the timr apps for iOS and Android from version 3.8.0. upwards.
You can disable position tracking with the option "Off" for all timr apps (iOS, Android; all app versions). Using this option the server will discard the position when a recording is saved.
Requiring a position via the options "Required ..." only works for the timr apps for iOS and Android from version 3.8.0 upwards.
If you use an older version of the timr apps for iOS and Android the "Required ..." options won't work.
1.2. Deleting locations
When locations are deleted, the coordinates themselves are deleted. However the information that a position has been saved is retained by the grayed-out crosshair symbol next to the entry.
1.2.1. Automatic deletion
You can set the automatic deletion of location. To do this, select the checkbox and enter the period after which the items are to be deleted automatically. The setting applies as soon as you have clicked the Save button.
1.2.2. Delete locations manually
You also have the option of deleting locations manually.
Now you can choose whether certain locations that are older than x days or all items should be deleted.
2. Position tracking on the smartphone
A prerequisite for position tracking is that the timr app is allowed to use the smartphone's location. Therefore, in order to use position tracking you have to give the timr app on your smartphone permission to track your smartphone's location.
2.1. Enabling position tracking on the smartphone
More infos on how to enable position tracking on your smartphone can be found in our help center articles:
2.2. timr app behaviour if a position is required
If you have defined in your account's settings that a position is required when using the timr app on the smartphone, your employees only can start tracking on the smartphone if a position is available. If there is no position available, the "Start" button is displayed in orange letters.
If you press "Start" the timr app will try looking for a position before a recording can be started. As soon as there is a position the recording will be started.
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