If you are interested in synchronizing your existing data infrastructure (database, Ticket system, Issue Tracking, ERP/CRM software, …) with timr you can use our API. Using the API is free of charge in all paid timr plans.
Besides the API we also provide a tool called timrLink that allows you to define which entities of your infrastructure should be synched with timr on what schedule with a simple configuration and without implementing the API by yourself. Please contact us for detailed timrLink pricing.
You can download the timr API WSDL from here: https://timrsync.timr.com/timr/timrsync.wsdl
What you have to do: Please go to Administration/Settings. There is a field "timr API" where you have to generate a token. This token is the password for connecting to the webservice API. You can NOT use a "user account" to connect via the webservice API.
The credentials for connecting with the webservice API are: Username=[your identifier] Password=[authentication token]
An example Request sent to the timrsync interface for getting the users should look like:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tim="http://timr.com/timrsync">
If you send this XML Data as a POST request to https://timrsync.timr.com/timr/timrsync and using basic HTTP Authentication providing your client identifier as username and your API token as password you should get a valid response.
I encourage you to use a tool like soapUI (http://www.soapui.org/) or Visual Studio .NET for testing the Webservice API and creating your client.
We provide examples and API demo implementations for .NET and Java.
Java: The source of a Java client for our SOAP Webservice API can be found on github. It gives you an example of how to use it in your Java applications: https://github.com/troii/timrsyncclient . The example uses spring-ws and jaxb marshalling to call the getTasks method, retrieving all the tasks created in your timr account.
.NET: The example project can be found here https://github.com/troii/timrsync-dotnet-testclient
Please contact us at info@timr.com if you have any questions regarding the API!
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