1. Balancing a period - Creating Time Sheets
1.2. Balancing a period - Creating Time Sheets
1.3. Create preview and balance periods for teams (Enterprise Plan)
4. Reverting a balanced period
Balancing the time account helps you and your employees to keep up to date of their current state with regards to work hours and holiday entitlement. This provides you with the necessary data for accounting. Therefore, we recommend to balance the time account regularly.
1. Balancing a period - Creating Time Sheets
To create a Time Sheet click ‘Balance period’. The Time Sheet will be created on a due date (end of period, e.g. end of month) and covers the period between the last Time Account balance and the due date.
1.1. Preview Time Sheet
Again, you have the possibility to create a preview of the Time Sheet before the definite conclusion.
If you notice, for example, that the employee hasn't entered a record for sick leave, you can go back and change this as described in the article "Recording time off (vacation, sick leave, etc.)".
Create preview for all employees
By clicking X at User, the selection changes to "All employees". Set the deadline and select the "Preview timesheet" button. Now the preview PDFs of all employees will be saved in the download folder and can be sent to the users for checking.
1.2. Balancing a period - Creating Time Sheets
You can create a Time Sheet for one employee or for all of them at once. To create a Time Sheet for a specific employee choose his/her name.
If you want to create the Time Sheet for all employees at once, use the X.
As soon as you click on ‘Balance’ the Time Sheet for the selected period will be created and downloaded automatically. At the same time all records between the last time account balance and the due date will be set to status ‘closed’.
1.3. Create preview and balance periods for teams (Enterprise Plan)
As a team leader or administrator, you can create a preview of the timesheet and closings for your team, depending on your permissions. To do this, open "Balance period" in the Time Account as described in point 1. In the Enterprise Plan, the selection field "Organization" is available here. Pre-selected are all employees, by clicking in the field "All" the drop-down menu opens and you can select the respective team.
Now you can select the "due date" and either "Preview Timesheet" if you still want to check the entries, or "Balance" to create the statements for your team.
2. Downloading Time Sheets
You can also download the Time Sheet afterwards by going to the Time Account. There you go to the editing button on the left side next to the name of the employee and click on 'Download Time Sheet'. Employees too can always download their Time Sheet themselves via this option.
3. Time Account Excel Export
For evaluations or further processing of the time account data, an Excel export is available in timr. You can create this export in the time account parallel to each balancing.
Select the date of the closing for which you want to export the closing balances.
Included in the export are overviews of the time & leave account, overtime & bonuses (if enabled), working time types and absences.
See: more Information about export balances.
4. Reverting a balanced period
If, after balancing a period, you realize that a record is missing in the Time Sheet, you have the possibility to revert balancing the period. For this you go to the editing button on the left side next to the balance of the employee concerned and click on 'Undo' and confirm this also in the next notice window.
Note: Since the balances build on each other, it is only ever possible to undo from the most recent to the oldest closure, i.e. from top to bottom.
Afterwards you can generate new records for the period of the reverted balance. However, you can't just edit existing records because they were set to status 'Closed' when the Time Sheet was created the first time. This status won't change automatically when you undo a Time Sheet.
In order to edit existing records you have to change the status of a record as administrator. You can do this by going to Reports/Working Time. There you go to the editing button on the left side next to the record and click on 'Set to Changeable'. This allows you to reopen just those records which have to be corrected which makes sure you don't have to verify everything again.
Afterwards you can edit this record.
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