1. Viewing one's own time and vacation account
2. Current balances (view current time and vacation balance)
3. All accounts (create balances, post corrections)
The time account provides an overview of the current status of time accounts. However, administrators can also initialize time accounts, make time and vacation corrections, close accounts and export data here.
1. Viewing own time account
Employees can access their own time account directly from the main menu item "Time Account". As an administrator or team leader, however, you also have the other functions "Current balances" and "All accounts". Therefore there is the menu item "My account" for the own time account.
1.1 My account - for administrators and team leaders
Under the menu item "Time Account/My Account" you will find as administrator or team leader the overview of your own time account. For details see point 1.3.
1.2 Viewing the time account as an employee
The menu item "Time Account" will take you directly to the overview of your time account. For details see point 1.3.
1.3. Details of the own time account
Marker 1, 2: current balance of your time account and the vacation account.
Marker 3: balances and leave or time corrections are listed sorted by date.
Marker 4: Balance Previous Day and Balance Today. Here you can switch the view between the balances. Today's balance takes into account the hours still to be worked, which affect the "Ongoing" or "Total" status.
Marker 5: Preview Timesheet. By clicking on the button you can load the hours overview from the time of the last closing or initialization to a freely selectable key date as a PDF.
Marker 6: . Shows possible discrepancies when checking the working hours, you can display the notes here.
2. Current Balances (view the current time and vacation balances)
In the "Current Balances" overview you will find the current status of the time and vacation accounts.
Marker 1, 2: Filter by users or teams (Enterprise Plan)
Marker 3: Export the overview of current time- & vacation balances as PDF/XLS (as shown below)
Marker 4: User and date of the last balancing
Marker 5: Overview of the time account balances
Marker 6: Overview of the vacation account balances, the "due date" indicates the start of the vacation period where the new vacation is automatically added
Marker 7: Load preview of time account balances in PDF format
Marker 8: Switch between balance today (includes target hours of the current day) and balance to the previous day
Marker 9: Notes about possible deviations from the stored rules are displayed here.
View the export of the overview as a PDF:
3. All accounts (create balances, post corrections)
In the "All Accounts" directory you will find an overview of all user accounts with the corresponding postings (3).
Marker 1: filter by organizations/teams (Enterprise Plan)
Marker 2: filter by user to get their time account overview
Marker 3: Time account balances and vacation and time corrections sorted by date
Marker 4: Display notes on deviations from the stored rules
Marker 5: Include inactive users in the listing
Marker 6: Balance time periods
Marker 7: Correct time accounts
Marker 8: Correct vacation days
Marker 9: Export balancing
Note: Customers with a timr account created before May 2016 must first activate the time account. You can find all information about this in the article "Activating the new Time Account for existing customers".
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