Stored rules are automatically checked by timr. The results of these validations can be found in the time account and in the reports under working time, project time or drive log and under "validations" as described here.
1. Overview of validations
Under "Validations" you will find a list of all deviations to stored working time rules.
Marker 1: Select the time period. You can select "Year" or "Total".
Marker 2: Select notes by status. The choices are All/Open/Acknowledged/Confirmed/Closed, and the combinations "Open or Acknowledged" or "Open or Acknowledged or Confirmed".
Marker 3: Choose the category.
Marker 4: Filter by urgency.
Marker 5: Notes can be printed as PDF, or exported as XLSX, DOCX or HTML.
Marker 6: Confirm validations if records are correct (see 1.2.).
Marker 7: The warning note indicates the urgency of a check depending on its color.
1.1 Print or export list of reviews
To check the notices comfortably, you can either open a second browser window in parallel with the validations, or you can load the notices as PDF or export file.
1.2 Confirm reviews
Confirm reviews if the record is correct from your point of view.
Confirmed reviews no longer appear in the overview, but you can filter for them and display them again or set them to "open".
Your administrators or team leaders can filter for notices that you have confirmed and approve them if necessary.
2. Receive verification by mail
Your administrator activates if and when you as a user will receive the results of the working time review by mail.
3. Review in the time & leave account view
You can also find the review listing in the time & leave account.
Marker 1: Open validations.
Marker 2: Switch to the "Reports/Validations" window using the "Show Validations" link.
The notes are no longer displayed in this view when a period has been closed or the validation has been confirmed (see point 1.2.).
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