1. Drive Log Categories
Create your own categories to be able to mark and group trips as business, private, home, projectXY etc. Additionally you can define colored markers to distinguish the groups faster. You define the categories in the menu item "Administration/Drive Log Categories".
If you use the logbook for the first time, the 2 categories Private & Business are already predefined.
2. Create new Drive Log Category
To create a new category, select "+ Add category" in the upper right corner under "Administration/ Logbook categories".
In the overview you can see at a glance which categories are assigned to "Business" and whether the purpose is mandatory to be entered.
In the following dialog window you can define a name for the category. If it is a category to which business trips are assigned, select "Business". This will allow you to filter all business trips later.
If you need the drive log for submission to the tax office, the purpose of the trip must be recorded. You therefore select "Purpose required for drive log entry".
In the last step, you specify the color.
Tip: The order of the category names is alphabetical. By working with prefixed digits, you can define your own order (e.g. 01-Customer appointments, 02-Purchases business, 03-Purchases business, ...).
Note: If you have or had the Tour App in use, categories already exist.
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