You can add new tasks on the go at any time. The easiest and best way for the task administration is to use the timr web application. However, if you need to immediately add a task on the go, you can accomplish this with your timr iPhone App.
A task can be a costumer, a project, an order,... You choose any kind of name for your tasks and thereby create your own specific task structure.
You can define where the new task should be located, on which level.
If you take a look on the predefined structure of Costumer A, it looks like this:
-Costumer A
+Project 1
Marker 1: To create the task itself you have to give it a name, for example "Implementation".
To add a task on the top level, like in the example Costumer A, choose "No Parent Task".
You can also add an additional subtask for Costumer A. In this case, choose "Parent"="Costumer A".
In our support forum you can find more information about the project- and task structure in timr.
Marker 2: You can define if the task is billable.
Marker 4: You can add a description to your task.
Marker 5: Press "Add" and your task will be added, you can now immediately use it for project time tracking.
Marker 3: To add a task on the top level, like in the example Costumer A, choose "No Parent Task".
You can also add an additional subtask for an existing Project or Customer. In our example we add a task for "Brubeck Inc/Baker building".
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